La collecte de T MCDONAGH


Hello all,
I will be running 10K this weekend on Sunday the 20th of June 2021 to raise funds for a cause dear to my heart, the wellbeing of children. 
Providing necessities, emotional support, education and most importantly, a safe place gives children a chance to not only survive but thrive knowing that somebody cares. This is very important to the development of every child, in turn uplifts and empowers them to grow into independent adults.
Yesterday, I happened to discover the Course des Héros 2021 run in the park right close to where I live, and an already registered association that aligns with my passion. I just had to do it!
I choose to support ALPOULAINA by running and raising funds towards the wellbeing of children.

 ALPOULAINA is an association with an office in France, which supports young children who have been orphaned in Berachah and Chennai, India
TALPOULAINA is an association with an office in France, which supports young children who have been orphaned in Berachah and Chennai, India
I ask you kindly to support every KM that I run by making a donation to ALPOULAINA to promote my initiative.

The donations are paid directly to Alvarum/ALPOULAINA.
Donations are 100% secure.

I thank you for your support.

Much love
Nurture children as you would have wanted to be nurtured
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  1,000
Your donation goes to ALPOULAINA.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  1,080
I participate to the event
Course des Héros Paris 2021
I participate to the campaign
Course des Héros Paris 2021

Alpoulaina a pour objectif d'aider "les plus petits" : De soutenir les personnes défavorisées, fragilisées ou nécessiteuses à travers le monde, particulièrement mais non exclusivement les enfants orphelins. Ce soutien se concrétise par des collectes de dons, organisation de manifestations de bienfaisance, ventes de charité, parrainages, expositions photos ou autres manifestations culturelles permettant de faire connaitre nos activités, recevoir des dons ou réaliser des ventes.