by Silvia CRUDU for Imagine for Margo

I really think that the association "Imagine for Margo" is doing a great job and I have decided to raise funds to help them perform their work by participating to the "Children's without Cancer" race in Domaine National de Saint-Cloud on 29 September 2024. In order to validate my registration to this race I have to raise minimum of 200 € before 25 Sep 2024.

I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in my fundraising efforts by making a donation on this page to "Imagine for Margo" or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts. There are no small donations and it's very easy and 100% secure!

By making a donation, you are helping the research concretely so that children with cancer are treated better and have increased chances to survive (more info:

Margo passed away on June 7, 2010 from an aggressive brain tumor. She was 14 years old. During her illness, she gathered 103,000 euros that were given to Gustave Roussy for research on her cancer. 

Gustave Roussy Institute, leading Cancer Centre in Europe, is ranked #4 world's best oncology hospital according to Newsweek magazine and the first one outside the United States (source: 

Thank you for your support!
Silvia C.

"She didn't want me to become old, I wanted her to become old..."
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  200
Your donation goes to Imagine for Margo.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
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  • Total  345
I participate to the event
Enfants sans Cancer 2024
Imagine for Margo

L'association Imagine for Margo - reconnue d'intérêt général - mobilise les acteurs clés de la santé et collecte des dons afin d'accélérer la recherche européenne contre le cancer des enfants. L'association mène également des actions pour sensibiliser à la cause, améliorer le bien-être des enfants malades et soutenir leurs familles. Depuis sa création en 2011, Imagine for Margo est devenue un acteur majeur de l’oncologie pédiatrique à l’échelle nationale et un acteur influent en Europe.