Maignan-English Children's Cancer Fundraising

by Regis Maignan for Imagine for Margo

In memory of our niece/cousin Juliette, who died of bone cancer 10 years ago, and in support of children who should have viable treatment options if they are faced with cancer in the future, we are supporting an incredible children's cancer charity called Imagine for Margo. The charity is very 'close to the ground' funds critical clinical research for childhood cancer, as well as supporting  young patients. In creative and practical ways.

Only a tiny proportion of cancer research funds (2%) are allocated to children's cancer, leaving the children literally without hope of an effective treatment plan. Cancer is however a major cause of death in children - it is the 1st cause of death by illness in Europe and the 2nd cause of death after accidents.  1 in 440 children will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 15. 


Una, Louise, Eva, Ines and Regis
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  20,000
Your donation goes to Imagine for Margo.
Payments are 100% secure.
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  • Total  27,534
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Enfants sans Cancer 2024
Imagine for Margo

L'association Imagine for Margo - reconnue d'intérêt général - mobilise les acteurs clés de la santé et collecte des dons afin d'accélérer la recherche européenne contre le cancer des enfants. L'association mène également des actions pour sensibiliser à la cause, améliorer le bien-être des enfants malades et soutenir leurs familles. Depuis sa création en 2011, Imagine for Margo est devenue un acteur majeur de l’oncologie pédiatrique à l’échelle nationale et un acteur influent en Europe.