Team Pablo 2018

by Rachel Hansen for Prader-Willi France "Un petit pas"

Hi there! Reuben, Elias, Pablo and I will be walking and raising awareness & funds into research for Prader-Willi Syndrome on September 23rd.

Thank you for supporting us as we strive to give Pablo the best life possible and free from the heavy constraints Prader-Willi Syndrome can impose!

And, if you are around we'd love to see you! 

Love, Rachel, Reuben, Elias, Pablo and Zorro ;)


Je soutiens Prader-Willi France "Un petit pas" qui fait un travail très important. J'ai décidé de collecter des fonds pour financer leurs actions.
Pour m'aider, je vous suggère de faire un don à Prader-Willi France "Un petit pas" ou de faire la promotion de mon initiative.
Les dons sont reversés par Alvarum.
C'est très facile et 100% sécurisé.
Merci pour votre soutien!
Rachel Hansen
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  500
Your donation goes to Prader-Willi France "Un petit pas".
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  690
1 News
Pablo and I visited Dr's in Toulouse three times this year so that he could participate in an Oxytocin study. We'd heard about the possible positive effects that Oxytocin (the love hormone) could have on people with PWS since he was very young. We were so excited to participate this year, finally... 10 years later after hearing about it.

Well, the study ended and he's stopped the treatment. We saw that it helped him and really hope it gets approved for use in people with this diagnosis.

If you've donated to any of the walks in the past (this will be our 8th) then please know that you have helped with this study, it's taken many years to get to this point, and we are so grateful!

But, it's not over yet, and there is still SO MUCH we don't know about PWS.

If you can afford, even just a couple of dollars/euros, every donation makes a difference and counts!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Rachel Hansen - 9/19/18
I participate to the campaign
Un PETIT Pas - Paris 2018
Prader-Willi France "Un petit pas"

L'association Prader-Willi France a été créée en 1996 pour lutter contre l'isolement des familles, apporter aux familles et aux professionnels des informations sur le syndrome de Prader-Willi, contribuer à améliorer la vie des personnes atteintes et encourager la recherche. Le syndrome de Prader-Willi est une maladie génétique rare et très complexe. Elle provoque des anomalies du neuro développement ayant pour conséquences une liste de symptômes très handicapants pour les personnes atteintes.