Help me to help others

by Pauline for Unity Foundation

This year, I have decided to share my birthday presents with other children.

Instead of gifts for my 9th birthday, I would be very grateful if you could please make a donation to Unity Foundation to support their community school projects around the world (

Thank you for joining me in celebrating my birthday by sharing with other children!

So far, I've raised


With help of people.
Your donation goes to Unity Foundation.
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  • Total  715
Unity Foundation

Unity Foundation soutient 2 types de projets: les écoles communautaires ciblant le renforcement des capacités des communautés à participer à l'éducation des enfants. Le 2e volet est un programme de préparation à l'action sociale pour les jeunes, vivant en milieu rural, et a pour but de développer les capacités des jeunes afin qu'ils deviennent des "Promoteurs du bien-être communautaire"