Michael Craig Gradwell's fundraising page

by Michael Craig Gradwell for Institut du Cerveau

I have ALS, a form of MND. The Insititut du Cerveau (ICM) has been part of my treatment hospital for the past four years. It’s been doing a great job. During my 2021 and 2022 three thousand km, hundred day Neurobike Danube trip we all raised funds for them. I’d like to use the publication of the Danube Diaries, which tells the story of the trip (and more!), to raise more funds, to help them perform their work, find new treatments and overcome this daunting disease.

I’m over 78 now. I was diagnosed with ALS in 2020. I could not speak when I rode down the Danube, now moving autonomously is well nigh impossible. But I can still write, eat and interact with people. 
Seeing the Danube Diaries book emerging from the muddy river bed has been wonderful. The 200 page colour edition chronicling my bike ride from the Black Forest to the Black Sea will be available in December 2024.Once again, I’d greatly appreciate your help by making a donation to ICM or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts. There are no small donations.
Donations are processed through Alvarum. It is very easy and 100% secure

Thank you for your help

Michael Craig Gradwell

So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  10,000
Your donation goes to Institut du Cerveau.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
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  • Total  105
3 News
A word about the Danube Diaries

During my 2021-22 bike journey down the Danube I wrote and posted impressions, reflections, accounts, meanderings, historical flashbacks, wrote about the dozens of people I met on the way, talked about my fellow travellers. I took thousands of photos. I tried to be systematic.
Everyone said afterwards, “Oh Michael, you must turn it into a book!”

I was far too knackered.

Time passed.

My friend Jamie Welstead, who’d spent a week in May 2022 cycling in Serbia with me, did more than that. In the summer of 2023 he drove down to stay with me and Marie in the Charente and said “If you like, Michael, I’ll help you turn it into a book.” Little did he know what he was letting himself in for.

But he is a man of his word. He has done an amazing job.

Michael Craig Gradwell - 12/8/24
Institut du Cerveau

Alzheimer, Parkinson, SEP, AVC, paralysies, dépression... ces maladies touchent 1 personne sur 8. Inauguré en 2010, l'Institut du Cerveau est un centre de recherche unique en son genre qui réunit en un même lieu malades, médecins et chercheurs au cœur de l'Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière à Paris. 700 chercheurs sélectionnés pour leur excellence travaillent ensemble sur 22000 m2 de laboratoires pour trouver rapidement de nouveaux traitements.