Jessica Boalch's fundraising page

by Jessica Boalch for Imagine for Margo

This is my 2nd year running for the Imagine For Margo race. My mom & my sister have been running for a really long time and now I started running with them too. We started running due to my brother who sadly caught cancer. I never got to see him but we are related by blood. Since I started doing the race I have been inspiring people to do it at school. I think that the race is a great cause and I am so happy that I am fundrasing to help the people that have cancer get better.
Thank you for your support it means a lot to me.
Thank you for the help.
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  500
Your donation goes to Imagine for Margo.
Payments are 100% secure.
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  • Offline donation
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  • Total  485
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Communauté du Lycée International
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Enfants sans Cancer 2024
Imagine for Margo

L'association Imagine for Margo - reconnue d'intérêt général - mobilise les acteurs clés de la santé et collecte des dons afin d'accélérer la recherche européenne contre le cancer des enfants. L'association mène également des actions pour sensibiliser à la cause, améliorer le bien-être des enfants malades et soutenir leurs familles. Depuis sa création en 2011, Imagine for Margo est devenue un acteur majeur de l’oncologie pédiatrique à l’échelle nationale et un acteur influent en Europe.