Henrik Weller von Ahlefeld's fundraising page

by Henrik Weller von Ahlefeld for ALVENI - Sozialdienste für Flüchtlinge

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite you to help me make a small contribution to help those who flee war and persecution. The project I want to fund is organized by the Caritas (called ALVENI) and is addressed at refugees that arrive in my hometown Munich, more importantly underaged children who are without their families. The idea is to improve their perspectives in the local community through integratory activities and offer help in overcoming the day to day challenges that living among a foreign culture brings with it.

I would be proud to complete this year's Berlin half-marathon in knowing that I have not only reached my personal goal but also contributed to a far more important societal challenge. 

Any donation by you is greatly appreciated and will motivate me to give it my best. The donations are processed through Alvarum which is 100% secure.

Thank you!

So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  250
Your donation goes to ALVENI - Sozialdienste für Flüchtlinge.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  250
I participate to the campaign
Berliner Halbmarathon 2016
ALVENI - Sozialdienste für Flüchtlinge

ALVENI ist eine Einrichtung für Flüchtlinge. Wir betreuen Asylsuchende in 9 Münchner Gemeinschaftsunterkünften und einer zentralen Beratungsstelle. In 2 Wohngruppen sowie einer Jugendhilfeeinrichtung kümmern wir uns um unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge. Zahlreiche Angebote wie Deutschkurse, Nachhilfegruppen oder Projekte wie das Kindertanzprojekt "Freudentanz" oder die "Internationalen Freundinnen" können von den Flüchtlingen genutzt werden.