Berlin Marathon Fundraiser

by Finn Lorbeer for Welthungerhilfe

End of September I will run my first marathon (as many of you already know).

While the actual run I will burn a bit more than 3500 calories. This is more than some people hope to eat in 3-4 days. (

To make this run not only meaningful to myself and my personal health by burning all this energy, I want to help people get enough to eat in the first place.
I chose to show solidarity to the "Welthungerhilfe" running in their jersey, as part of their marathon team. However good solidarity is, money is still needed.

So I ask you to donate only 20 cent for each of the calories burned - that would be super awesome!
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  700
Your donation goes to Welthungerhilfe.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  514
I participate to the campaign
Berlin Marathon 2015

Immer noch hungern weltweit über 800 Mio. Menschen. Die Welthungerhilfe kämpft dafür, dass sich Menschen selbst versorgen können. Denn jeder hat ein Recht auf Nahrung. Gehen Sie mit uns für eine gesicherte Ernährung, sauberes Wasser und Bildung für alle an den Start. Menschen in 40 Projektländern danken Ihnen für Ihren Einsatz!