La collecte de Eilean Ellison

by Eilean Ellison for AAWE - Association of American Women in Europe

Je soutiens AAWE - Association of American Women in Europe qui fait un travail très important. J'ai décidé de collecter des fonds pour financer leurs actions. Pour m'aider, je vous suggère de faire un don à AAWE - Association of American Women in Europe ou de faire la promotion de mon initiative.

Net funds raised will be split 50/50 between AAWE's philanthropic giving and FAWCO Environmental Target Project. 

AAWE Philanthropy As part of AAWE's commitment to giving back to our wider community, the AAWE philanthropy program aims to help bring about a brighter future, primarily for women and children, by providing aid to registered nonprofit organizations and projects which address their education, health and social needs.

FAWCO Awesome Blossoms Target Project
Awesome Blossoms is the latest evolution of a community-based organization, Safe Spaces, created by Mrs. Peninah Nthenya Musyimi. This project features organic, water-efficient urban farms with 500 gardens in each farm to support girls' education and empowerment programs and with 75 women in partnership with three primary schools located in the Mathare slum area of Nairobi.

About Awesome Blossoms Founder
Founder/Director Peninah Nthenya Musyimi is the first woman from Nairobi's slums to work her way through university to qualify as a lawyer. She realized that a systematic, integrated approach is needed to address root causes of poverty and violence. In 2008, she returned to the slums to establish Safe Spaces.

To learn more about Peninah's story, check out this video:

Merci pour votre soutien!
Eilean Ellison
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  250
Your donation goes to AAWE - Association of American Women in Europe.
Payments are 100% secure.
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  • Offline donation
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  • Total  400
I participate to the event
Course des Héros Paris 2024
I participate to the campaign
Course des Héros Paris 2024
AAWE - Association of American Women in Europe

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