Running for

by David Foy for Autisme Luxembourg asbl

A few weeks ago I visited the Workshops at and was left speechless. The quality of the environment, staff and work that is being done there is simply incredible.

Around 200 young men and women produce fantastic quality goods over 11 different disciplines from ceramic to sewing to typesetting to Laser-engraving to garden products… the list is endless.

I’d like to invite everyone in my network (and your network) to take a look at their website and see for yourselves.

They can also make pretty much any branded goods for corporate goodies, end of year gifts or for any occasion. Bear this in mind as it’s sustainable and very inclusive!

So back to fundraising! You can use this secured site to make a direct donation to (powered by Alvarum). No donation is too small and I guarantee it will be put to good use.

Lets hit that target!

So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  3,000
Your donation goes to Autisme Luxembourg asbl.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  2,190
Autisme Luxembourg asbl

Autisme Luxembourg a.s.b.l., fondée en 1981, gère actuellement 11 ateliers protégés dans différents domaines afin d'offrir une place de travail adaptée aux adultes représentants des troubles du spectre de l’autisme. L’offre est complétée par un service de formation professionnelle, un centre de jour, un service d'aide à domicile ainsi que des structures d’hébergement. Le but de l’association est d’intégrer ces personnes dans le premier marché de travail ! Présentation :