Support Roue-Cool with Valentina Bosco and Samuel Hardy

by Association Roue-Cool for Association Roue-Cool

We support the non-profit organisation Roue-Cool that aims to help children with disabilities by improving their school experience. 
Runners at the race are Samuel Hardy and Valentina Bosco.
This year Roue-Cool has the project to increase by over 50%, before September 2024, classroom accessibility for children with physical disabilities.
Project takes place in a school near Paris, France.
To support us you can donate to Roue-Cool Association or promote our initiative. 
Alvarum is a secured platform and allow transactions from Europe, US and Asia.
Thanks very much for your support and help to our cause from Roue-Cool and the Kids!

Valentina Bosco and Samuel Hardy

Nous soutenons l' Association Roue-Cool qui accompagne les enfants en situation de handicap afin d'améliorer leur qualité de vie à l'école. J'ai décidé de collecter des fonds pour financer un projet d'accessibilité aux classe pour les enfants à mobilité reduite en paternship avec l'école primaire Sainte Jeanne d'Arc de Sceaux .
Pour nous aider, nous vous suggèrons de faire un don à Association Roue-Cool ou de faire la promotion de notre initiative.
Les dons sont reversés par Alvarum.
C'est très facile et 100% sécurisé.
Merci pour votre soutien de la part de Roue-Cool et des enfants!
Valentina Bosco et Samuel Hardy
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  5,000
Your donation goes to Association Roue-Cool.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  670
We're raising funds together.
Together for Roue-Cool
See who's in our group
I participate to the event
Course des Héros Paris 2024
I participate to the campaign
Course des Héros Paris 2024
Association Roue-Cool

Roue-Cool est une association loi 1901 dont l'objectif est d'accompagner les enfants en situation de handicap afin d'améliorer leur qualité de vie en milieu scolaire. ROUE-COOL is a NFPO with the objectives of supporting children with disabilities in their school environment in order to enhance their school experience.