La collecte de Marc PURSER

by Marc PURSER for Unicef

I want to use the opportunity of running Paris Marathon on April 7th to help raising funds again for UNICEF. You all know this institution which provides lifesaving help for all children in need since 1946. On top of regular activities UNICEF is involved in several emergency causes such as children of Syria or in Central Africa Republic.
All have in common the children that we can help, children that represent our future and deserve their basic needs to be satisfied. I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in my fundraising efforts by making a donation to UNICEF or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts. There are no small donations!
Donations are processed through Alvarum. It is very easy and 100% secure.
Thank you for visiting my personal fundraising page and providing full support to my cause. Marc
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
Your donation goes to Unicef.
Payments are 100% secure.
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  • Total  520
I participate to the campaign
Marathon de Paris 2013

La cause des enfants vous tient à cœur ? Il y a 1000 occasions de collecter des fonds pour les enfants avec l'UNICEF ... ! Créez ici votre page de collecte personnelle en quelques minutes, et invitez votre entourage à participer à votre belle action solidaire pour les enfants !Les dons collectés grâce à vous nous permettront de continuer la mission que nous menons depuis 1946 : apporter aux enfants protection, éducation, santé, et défendre et promouvoir leurs droits dans le monde entier.