Hisham ElHifnawi's Marathon/Syria fundraising page

by Hisham ElHifnawi for World Vision Deutschland e.V.

Salam my friends & family & friends of friends,
Most of you know how I have started to take on running and taking on challenges. I have decided to join the Berlin Full Marathon end of September and raise fund for " for children and their families affected by the Syria conflict in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq." I would greatly appreciate to help by donating as I need to reach the target by 18 July '16. Since it is Ramadan, I thnk it is a great opportunity. Love you all

"default msg by the organisation:
I really think that World Vision Deutschland e.V. are doing a great job and I have decided to raise funds to help them perform their work.
I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in my fundraising efforts by making a donation to World Vision Deutschland e.V. or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts. There are no small donations.
Donations are processed through Alvarum.
It is very easy and 100% secure.
Thank you for your help!
Hisham ElHifnawi"
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  800
Your donation goes to World Vision Deutschland e.V..
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  1,690
I participate to the campaign
Berlin Marathon 2016
World Vision Deutschland e.V.

World Vision ist ein Kinderhilfswerk mit den Arbeitsschwerpunkten nachhaltige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Katastrophenhilfe und entwicklungspolitische Anwaltschaftsarbeit. World Vision trägt das DZI-Spenden-Siegel und wurde von Spiegel Online 2014 als Transparenzsieger ausgezeichnet. Alvarum erhält 5% + 1,9% Transaktionsgebühren der hier gesammelten Spenden. Ab 25 € wird eine Zuwendungsbestätigung ausgestellt.