La collecte de GABRIEL

by GABRIEL JABRI CARRILLO for Médecins Sans Frontières Luxembourg

Hi everyone!
My name is Gabriel and I am three years old. I like playing and running, the swimming pool and to travel.
Last year I participated in the ING marathon and it was really fun!!! I had such a great time running!!! At the same time I was collecting funds for MSF so I was happy because I was helping people.

This year I am going to do the same, running the INg marathon for MSF and I would like you to support me and to donate for MSF. The funds go to a hospital in Haïti and they will help a lot of people! I have much more details and pictures about the hospital if you want to.

Money is 100% secured and you will get a tax certificate for the money you have donate!
thank you in advance!!
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
Your donation goes to Médecins Sans Frontières Luxembourg.
Payments are 100% secure.
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  • Total  360
I participate to the campaign
ING Night Marathon 2018
Médecins Sans Frontières Luxembourg

Médecins Sans Frontières est une association médicale humanitaire internationale qui depuis 1971 apporte soins et secours aux populations en situation de crise, sans aucune discrimination, principalement en cas de conflits armés, d'épidémies, de catastrophes naturelles ou d'exclusion des soins. Indépendante de tous pouvoirs politiques, religieux ou militaires, MSF agit en toute impartialité. La section luxembourgeoise de MSF a été créée en 1986.