Running for a good cause

by Francesca Cortesi for Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung

Nothing is able to challenge myself, to bring tears (both of joy and pain) to my eyes and to give me that sense of freedom as running. If you are a runner you know it: every effort and sweat is worth the feeling of accomplishment that you get at the finish line, that pure joy.

This year I decided to transform this passion into something that could help someone. Something that can make the joy and the good vibes that running gives me circulate.

My dream is to run the Berlin Half Marathon in March and to do it for a charity. I started this fundraising page to help the German Childhood Cancer Fund to continue its amazing job.

Please help me to do something good and join my fundraising effort. There are no small donations, every help counts.

Donations are processed through Alvarum and are 100% secure. If I will not reach my goal, all the money will stay with the German Childhood Cancer Fonden.

And remember: sharing is caring, spread the word with everyone you know, it is for a good cause. THANK YOU!!!!
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  500
Your donation goes to Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  500
I participate to the campaign
Berliner Halbmarathon 2015
Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung

Die Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung steht krebskranken Kindern und ihren Familien mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und setzt sich dafür ein, dass Heilungschancen, Behandlungsmethoden und Lebensqualität krebskranker Kinder ständig weiter verbessert werden. Gestalten Sie mit uns eine Zukunft, in der kein Kind mehr an den Folgen einer Krebserkrankung stirbt oder leidet! Die Spendenplattform Alvarum finanziert sich über 5% + 1,9% (für die Online-Zahlungsabwicklung) der gesammelten Spenden.