ERCAN ENGIN KURUOGLU's fundraising page

by ERCAN ENGIN KURUOGLU for World Vision Deutschland e.V.

Cari Amici, sto facendo questa raccolta di fondi per i bambini siriani rifugiati in Libano. I bambini sono le prime vittime della guerra sebbene non abbiano responsabilità per le decisioni e le azioni che conducono alla guerra. Personalmente non sono interessato alle ragioni dell'uno o dell'altra parte che hanno portato alla guerra e sono unicamente preoccupato per i piccoli innocenti. Vi sarei molto grato se decidete di aiutarmi in questo mio impegno di raccolta fondi facendo una donazione a World Vision Deutschland e.V. come indicato in questa pagina e aiutandomi a diffondere questa iniziativa.

Dear Friends, Sevgili Dostlar, Cari Amici, Liebe Freunde,
I am doing this fundraising for the Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. Children are the first victims of a war although they have no responsability for the decisions or acts that lead to the war. In these days that oil rich areas of the world are repartitioned with lots of accompanying media brain washing, I just want to say i do not buy any of them and that there can be no justifications of these disgusting wars and I just care for the children.

I would greatly appreciate if you could help me in my fundraising efforts by making a donation to World Vision Deutschland e.V. or bringing awareness around my fundraising efforts. There are no small donations.
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Thank you for your help!
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  500
Your donation goes to World Vision Deutschland e.V..
Payments are 100% secure.
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  • Offline donation
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  • Total  410
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Berliner Halbmarathon 2015
World Vision Deutschland e.V.

World Vision ist ein Kinderhilfswerk mit den Arbeitsschwerpunkten nachhaltige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Katastrophenhilfe und entwicklungspolitische Anwaltschaftsarbeit. World Vision trägt das DZI-Spenden-Siegel und wurde von Spiegel Online 2014 als Transparenzsieger ausgezeichnet. Alvarum erhält 5% + 1,9% Transaktionsgebühren der hier gesammelten Spenden. Ab 25 € wird eine Zuwendungsbestätigung ausgestellt.