Constance and Giovanni's Wedding

by Constance and Giovanni for ANAKUT LAOR

Anakut Laor (A Bright Future) is based in Cambodia and helps young orphan girls born with AIDS to live healthily and develop practical skills that can help them achieve a better future.
If we reach €22,000 we can support and educate 15 young girls for one year. €245 ($335, £200) will help two of them for one month. 


Having worked for several years in Cambodia for AIDS programs, Jean Yves and Dominique Dufour noticed that there was no orphanage for young orphan girls affected by AIDS, whose needs are specific due to their illness.
They created a home for them, Anakut Laor, which means “A Bright Future”.

The goal of Anakut Laor is to educate, feed and take care of adolescent girls, so that they are well prepared to an adult life. Because by now, if well cured, you can live a long time with AIDS. 
In practice, we provide them with a family life, help in schooling, and most of all a professional training so that they can earn their living when they become adults. As a result, they develop adult-life skills in order to become autonomous under a medical follow-up and access to antiretroviral treatments.

14 girls are being taken care of in 2014.

Anakut Laor has partnered with well-known NGOs such as MSF (Doctors without Borders, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999), Maryknoll, a US catholic charity and MDM (Doctors of the World).
So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  22,000
Your donation goes to ANAKUT LAOR.
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  • Total  13,724

O.N.G cambodgienne, soutenue par Anakut Laor France. Le but est d'élever et d'éduquer des adolescentes orphelines et atteintes du Sida en les soignant et aimant, pour en faire des adultes responsables. Elles sont orphelines et leurs parents sont décédés du Sida. Les travailleurs sociaux des ONG les réfèrent après enquête familiale comme des cas désespérés. Elles sont vulnérables et donc placées dans le foyer afin d'être soignées et éduquées.