Claudia for 'Les Blouses Roses'

by Claudia Schulz for Les Blouses Roses

Dearest family, friends, colleagues.
It has been several months now since I ran the Paris Half-Marathon, and I wanted to thank you again for your support - both moral and monetary!

Thanks to you, in just two months we managed to raise EUR728 for Les Blouses Roses. This association places volunteers in hospitals and aged care facilities throughout France with the goal of humanising the process - of bringing joy, fresh perspectives and a listening ear to the lives of those who are suffering.

So where did your donations go? Your money has gone to the national board of the association to help directly with volunteer recruitment, training and the creation of new regional committees. Having begun the recruitment process myself, I can assure you that Les Blouses Roses takes the training of their volunteers extremely seriously. Each day of training can cost up to 2000EUR for the professional services involved, the documentation, the travel and the facilities etc. This training allows us to better understand, appreciate and improve our engagement vis a vis our in-patients.

So how and when is a new committee formed? Great that you ask. The demand for a regional committee, even the request for one single Blouse Rose volunteer, comes from the hospital or facility in need. The doctors, nurses and health infrastructure, therefore, drive this demand - and it is you and your donations that will enable its fulfilment!

Bravo et merci ! 

So far, I've raised


With help of people.
On my target of  1,000
Your donation goes to Les Blouses Roses.
Payments are 100% secure.
Make the first
  • Offline donation
  • See more
  • Total  728
9 News
FINISHER 2015!!!
Claudia Schulz - 3/12/15
I participate to the campaign
Semi-Marathon de Paris 2015
Les Blouses Roses

Depuis 75 ans, l'association Les Blouses Roses a pour but de distraire les malades à l'hôpital (bébés, enfants, adultes) et les personnes âgées dans les maisons de retraite grâce à plus de 5 400 bénévoles. Les Blouses Roses animent chaque semaine des activités ludiques, créatives et artistiques dans tout le pays, afin que toutes les personnes malades, âgées ou en situation de handicap puissent continuer à voir "la vie en rose".